205: Richard Weiss Library of Natural & Physical Science [part V] JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #205: 40 books mostly from the Richard Weiss Library, [Part V: "H"], featuring books in the sciences: natural history, physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, evolution, biology, philosophy, and Greek or Latin classics. Among the authors: Ernst Haeckel, John Haldane, Edmond Halley, Sidney Harmer, William Snow Harris, Georg Hartwig, René Just Hauy, Johann Georg Heck, August Heller, Hermann Helmholtz, Sir John Frederick William Herschel, Heinrich Hertz, Terrell L. Hill, Russell Hinman, Jabez Hogg, R.A. Houstoun, Jean Pierre Huber, Francis Huber, Alexander von Humboldt, Thomas Henry Huxley, Christian Huygens, John Hymers, (as well as) Isaac Newton, and Arthur Shipley.
How to request a print version: Write to: Jeff Weber Rare Books, weberbks@pacbell.net